Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
Tuesday Sep 13, 2022
We finish our short study of the Messianic Psalms 88. Don't miss this powerful Word. Be blessed!
Testimony of Healing
I (Dan) seriously hurt my neck January 5, 2020. When I did, I heard the loud crack of a neck bone on the left side, about half-way down the neck. It was not a little crack like you get when a chiropractor manipulates your neck or when you crack your knuckles. It was a crack like I heard when I broke my foot in the mid 90's. It was scary loud, and I said to myself, "Oh no!" I knew it was VERY bad! Instantly an excruciating pain shot through my neck, head, and shoulder. It got so bad, that my neck became stiff and unmovable within minutes. I had never felt such horrible pain, and I have had some whoppers in my life. I put all kinds of goop on my neck and took a variety of pain relievers to ease the pain, but NOTHING worked. The side of my neck began to swell up, and I could barely touch it because of the pain. If I pressed my skin softly, the pain would shoot through my body like a hot knife.
I believe in healing and miracles. I believe that Jesus took our sickness and carried our diseases so we can be healed. (Matthew 8:17; 1 Peter 2:24) I am aware to some degree of what Jesus suffered for us. You have been reading about it for months now. Jesus is my Savior AND my Healer! He is my deliverer, and He is a miracle worker, the same yesterday, today, and forever! (Hebrews 13:8) I trust Him for my health and have for a long time.
The severity of the situation was so overwhelming, that I found myself gasping for deliverance. I prayed and asked the Lord, "What do I need to do about this?" I was willing to go to the emergency room if I needed it. I have no qualms about getting medical treatment if needed. I would rather get a miracle and a healing, but if my faith is not to the place of receiving, then I would rather get medical help and live another day to preach His Word. That is a whole lot better than refuse medical treatment and die early because I was presumptuous and prideful. Some people fail in faith because they are not in a place to receive. Jesus told the woman that had the issue of blood, "Your faith has healed you." (Mark 5:34) There are other examples where Jesus commended the faith of the individual and its place in receiving their miracle. Look at the blind man in Mark 10:52.
Well, mama didn't raise no fool in faith. It’s bad English, but I know that if my faith is weak, I need to get off my blessed assurance and get it built up! The only way to do that is to get the Word in you about healing and put that Word in your mouth. I have not always been perfect in my faith on the Covenant, and sometimes I have been stronger in faith than at other times. Do you know what I mean? As I said, I asked the Lord, "What do I need to do about this?" I humbled myself. If I had to, I would head to the emergency room. The Lord spoke to my heart, "You need to take a stand." I knew what that meant. It was fighting time. Sometimes you must fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on God's life, and make a good confession before witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12) By the way, my triplets are witnesses of these events.
I prayed and asked the Lord for a healing and a miracle. Then, I believed that I received them at that moment based on the Word (Matthew 8:17 and 1 Peter 2:24), regardless of the excruciating pain I was feeling. Numerous times tears filled my eyes because of the pain. I looked unto Jesus through the pain and tears, the author and finisher of my faith. (Hebrews 12:2) I looked to the One that suffered in my place and received my healing when I prayed, though I could not yet see it or feel it. I was acting on Mark 11:23- 24. I took my stand and drew a line in the sand.
The devil began his attack. Anytime you take a stand of faith, mark it down that your faith will be tested. (James 1:2, 3) He came immediately to attempt to steal the Word I had chosen to stand on for my healing and miracle. (Mathew 13:19, Mark 4:15) The fiery darts were coming in a barrage one after the other. Only the shield of faith was going to quench them. (Ephesians 6:16)
“You will never preach again! You will never be a father to your triplet boys! You will fail miserably and have to go to the hospital! They will have to operate on your fractured neck, and it will never be the same. None of your plans will come to pass! You will get fat and out of shape because you will never be able to exercise again! You will be crippled for life. Your life is over” … and on and on it went getting more and more oppressive and negative the longer it went on.
What do you do in the middle of a fight? Do you give up and quit? You had better not do that or it will be all over. Immediately, I went to work on the devil.
“Devil! You are a liar! Get out of here in Jesus’ Name. Jesus took my sicknesses and carried my diseases, and by His stripes I was healed. I believed I received my healing and my miracle when I prayed. I have my healing now in Jesus’ Name. I have my miracle now in Jesus’ Name.”
I got so loud and obnoxious against the devil that they may have heard me down the street!
I continued:
“Thank you, Lord, for my miracle. Thank you, Lord, for my healing! I am healed because YOU said I was healed through what you did. I have it now. I have life and that more abundantly (John 10:10), the life of Jesus is made manifest in my mortal flesh (2 Corinthians 4:10, 11), and the Lord satisfies me with a long and strong life (Psalms 91:16). I refuse to be weak or sick. The Lord is the strength of my life (Psalms 27:1), and I say that I am strong in the Lord right now. (Joel 3:10, Ephesians 6:10) I speak to you neck and I command you to be healed in the Name of Jesus. You have a miracle. Pain, I command you to be removed from my body in the Name of Jesus!" (Mark 11:23)
I got strong and I got loud at times. The Lord was helping me. I knew it even though there was no change in my body, and it felt like it was getting worse. Sunday night I barely slept, if any at all. The pain continued to increase and by the morning I was desperate. One thing I have learned is to never let your enemy see you sweat. I refused to quit, and I refused to give in. I again reinforced my faith and took my stand against all the negative trash the devil was bombarding my mind with.
Monday morning, I said to myself: “Healed people don’t stay in bed and writhe in pain. Regardless of what I feel, I am going to act on healing. I am going to act in faith. I am stepping out and doing something to act on the Word that I have believed.”
Dear brethren (including the sisters), I did this as an act of faith, but I did this in defiance to the devil’s lies and the horrible symptoms in my body. Logic screamed to run to the emergency room, but I already knew from the Lord I had to take a stand. I was in such severe pain I could hardly get into my pick-up truck, and could barely see my back and side mirrors. You may think it was reckless of me, but I had a witness from the Lord a take a step beyond all reason. I decided to go to a storage unit I had with about 40+ heavy boxes (40-50 lbs. each) and piled them into the back of the truck in the middle of throbbing and excruciating pain. By the time I got back home, I could hardly focus my eyes, but I acted again and took all the boxes out of the truck. Yeow!
I am telling my part in receiving a miracle. Miracles always require an act. To get money from a fish’s mouth, Peter had to go fishing. To get the axe head that flew off the handle and fell into a river, the prophet threw a branch in the water and the axe head floated to the top! To split the Red Sea Moses had to stand and raise His staff until all the children of Israel crossed over on dry land. When the Egyptian army attempted to cross after them through the Red Sea, Moses lowered his hands and the water destroyed the army. When they needed water in the middle of a drought the prophet instructed the people to dig their diches and water would fill them. When they ran out of wine at the wedding feast of Cana, Jesus commanded them to fill water pots to the brim and serve it to the guests, the water was miraculously turned into the best wine! With 5 loaves and 2 fishes Jesus fed thousands after He prayed and commanded them to be given to the people. The loaves and fishes multiplied, everybody was fed to the full, and there were leftovers! You get the picture. A miracle requires an action led by the Holy Spirt. Glory to God! I received what I had to do to activate my miracle, and I went for it with everything I had in me. The woman with the issue of blood came through the crowd of people because she said, “If I touch the hem of His garment, I will be made whole.” She did it in her weakened state, and when she touched the Master, healing power flowed out of Him (and she didn’t even ask for permission) and healed her. She got it on her own faith in Jesus! Wow! Remember that faith without actions by itself is stone cold dead and it will never work. It is only the faith that is acted upon that will come to pass. Often it is a combination of saying and doing as the woman with the issue of blood. She said and she did, power flowed, and it happened! (See James 2:19-26 in the Amplified or some other translations besides the KJV.)
Here’s the clincher. After I acted on my faith in obedience to what I believed I received from the Lord to do, I got desperately worse. By nightfall, I again reaffirmed my faith often that I have my healing and I have my miracle in Jesus’ Name. Again, I barely slept. The excruciating pain kept me up most of the night. I was lying down, face up, as my mouth and heart continued thanking the Lord for my healing and my miracle. At four thirty A. M., one of the triplets woke up and asked for water. Again I reaffirmed my faith. Through the blinding pain and as tears poured down my face, I said, “Lord you are my healer. Lord you are the miracle worker. I have my healing and I have my miracle.” Then the Lord said so softly and lovingly in my heart, “Son rest now. I've got this.” I rested as He said. I believed what He said to my heart. He had this.
Oh, the joy that flooded my soul! I woke up out of deep sleep at 6 am Tuesday morning. I slowly raised my head off the pillow with the assistance of my arms, and then it hit me! The pain and the swelling were totally and completely gone! The miracle and the healing came to pass! Between the time I laid my head down just after 4:30 A. M. and 6 A. M. it happened!!!! I checked myself and was amazed at the work of the Lord in my body! Oh, and then I began to cry like a baby out of a deep place in my heart of gratitude and thanksgiving! I overflowed with joy and gratitude! I am so grateful to the Lord for His mighty healing and miracle in my life!
I immediately informed my family and we cried for joy. It was so sweet to know that my Savior and Healer lives and that He is still the miracle worker today! I bragged on what Jesus did for me to my triplet boys and they were also overwhelmed with God’s goodness! What a miracle! So wonderful and true!
What a Miracle!
So wonderful and true
He saved my life
And He brought me through
So kind and good
The Miracle worker is He
I received from Him as I should
The Healer for all to see
If you suffer in pain now
Why do you fret?
We have a Healer God
So, don’t you sweat!
For your miracle today
Take your stand and pray
Lay hold by faith in Jesus’ Name
And you will never be the same
I trust you receive this testimony and this Word today. I am no poet, but this poem came up out of my spirit as I finished writing. It’s is from the Lord for you. Even if my delivery is not perfect, get the message!
I pray for you now in Jesus’s Name that you receive a mighty miracle and healing from God! May your life reflect God’s mercies and goodness! May you be a living testimony in Jesus’ Name!
Jesus died the deaths and went to the hell of torment, agony, and fire in our place, so that all who will receive His sacrifice and live for Him will be delivered from that awful eternity. I am a believer and follower of Jesus, so when I die, I will miss hell and gain heaven! The same can be said of ALL that will trust in Jesus and in His awesome sacrifice. I hope you are one of His! If not, you can be one of His right now. How?
First acknowledge your sinful condition:
“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
Then repent:
“Repent {change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah} and be baptized, each of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts 2:34 Amplified)
Then believe that God raised Jesus from the dead to justify YOU, and confess with your mouth (out loud), from your heart, that He is your Lord and Savior:
“Because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord {recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God}, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes {in Christ as Savior} resulting in his justification {that is being made righteous- being freed from guilt of sin and made acceptable to God}, resulting in and confirming {his} salvation.” (Romans 10:9, 10 Amp.)
I’ll leave the importance of baptism in water and consistent instruction for living in God to a good local church and pastor. By “good” I mean an anointed, Word-abiding, Spirit- filled, tongue-talking and praying, healing-ministering, faith-filled church. Don’t waste your time going to a dead, weak, spineless, and gutless church that preaches people out of their inheritance in Christ! Find a powerhouse in Christ Jesus! I would NEVER go to a church that does not believe in winning people to the Lord Jesus, that does not pray for the sick for healing, that does not cast out demons, that does not minister to people the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of speaking in other tongues, and that preaches sermonettes instead of the unadulterated Word of the living God!
Be greatly, gloriously, and mightily blessed!
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Messianic Psalms 88- Part 1- The Story of Our Great Redemption #26
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Generally, the sacrifice of Jesus has been reduced to a physical sacrifice alone, hence only a portrayal of His death on the cross and the resurrection from the tomb in movies and at most churches. Though, without question the physical side was a part of His sacrifice for us, the spiritual sacrifice of the soul and spirit Christ for sin should not be ignored.
The spiritual side of the sacrifice of Jesus has always been included in Isaiah 53. Yet, most ignore it or don't know anything about it.
Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He hath put Him to grief. When thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin... He shall see of the travail of His soul and shall be satisfied. By His knowledge shall My righteous Servant justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities. Therefore, will I divide Him a portion with the great, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong, because He hath poured out His soul unto death. And He was numbered with the transgressors; and He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors. (Isaiah 53:10a-12 KJ21)
Did you note the three references to the fact that His soul was an offering for sin, and it refers to the travail (suffering) of His soul and that He poured out His soul unto death? We cannot but proclaim it: Jesus suffered for our sins spiritually as well as physically!
But God hath raised Him up, having loosed the pains of death, because it was not possible that He should be held by it... because Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt Thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption. (Acts 2:24, 27 KJ21)
Acts 2:24 was never referring to the physical side of the sacrifice of Jesus. Being loosed from the pains of death cannot be physical because once someone is dead there is no pain at all. Pinch a dead man and see if he squirms in pain! No, the pains of death that Jesus suffered for us were in hell (hades-Acts 2:27). The pains of death do not refer to when the body of Christ was in the tomb because it says He was raised up having been loosed from the pains of death. In other words, these were pains of death he suffered before his physical resurrection. He could not be held by death in hades because He was loosed from that realm of the dead. I hope you got that.
I know we have harped on this, but this study and the next few coming up will connect many Messianic Scripture and bring them to life for you as never before. The reason Scripture like Psalms 88 has not generally been recognized as Messianic is because of a lack of knowledge of the spiritual sufferings of Christ. Once you begin to see how Psalms 88 connects with other Scripture, you will have a rich and very satisfying "Aha" moment during this podcast.
Jesus died the deaths and went to the hell of torment, agony, and fire in our place, so that all who will receive His sacrifice and live for Him will be delivered from that awful eternity. I am a believer and follower of Jesus, so when I die, I will miss hell and gain heaven! The same can be said of ALL that will trust in Jesus and in His awesome sacrifice. I hope you are one of His! If not, you can be one of His right now. How?
First acknowledge your sinful condition:
“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
Then repent:
“Repent {change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah} and be baptized, each of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts 2:34 Amplified)
Then believe that God raised Jesus from the dead to justify YOU, and confess with your mouth (out loud), from your heart, that He is your Lord and Savior:
“Because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord {recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God}, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes {in Christ as Savior} resulting in his justification {that is being made righteous- being freed from guilt of sin and made acceptable to God}, resulting in and confirming {his} salvation.” (Romans 10:9, 10 Amp.)
I’ll leave the importance of baptism in water and consistent instruction for living in God to a good local church and pastor. By “good” I mean an anointed, Word-abiding, Spirit- filled, tongue-talking and praying, healing-ministering, faith-filled church. Don’t waste your time going to a dead, weak, spineless, and gutless church that preaches people out of their inheritance in Christ! Find a powerhouse in Christ Jesus! I would NEVER go to a church that does not believe in winning people to the Lord Jesus, that does not pray for the sick for healing, that does not cast out demons, that does not minister to people the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of speaking in other tongues, and that preaches sermonettes instead of the unadulterated Word of the living God!
Be mightily blessed with the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit in this podcast!
If you have not done so, please study the previous podcasts to get a clearer understanding of this life-changing teaching. That way you get it in context.
Download the free book that was the basis for most of this study, “The Story of our Great Redemption: Beyond Human Imagination!” That's the link to get the free 194-page book. I've published five different versions on this subject since 1977. The latest 2013 version in Spanish, “Tres Días y Tres Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra” is 290 pages long. Obviously, the Lord taught me a few more things from His Word. That is the most complete version I have published. In its pages are many of the extra things I brought out in these podcasts that were not in previous versions. Get the free "Tres Días..." PDF here. Glory to God!
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Jesus Came Up From the Dead Out of the Abyss- The Story of Our Great Redemption #25
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Thursday Sep 08, 2022
Jesus came up from the dead out of the abyss! (Romans 10:7) As we have stated repeatedly, Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth. (Ephesians 4:9) This speaks of the heart of the earth as in Matthew 12:40, and the abyss in several passages in the New Testament. One such passage is Revelation 9:1-3, where the abyss or the bottomless pit is referred to as the place of demons, a furnace of smoke, and evil. That all means that Hades, the abyss, the bottomless pit, the lower parts of the earth, and the center of the earth are all synonymous terms in the New Testament, and we prove it in this podcast.
Jesus was our substitute in the hell of flames and torment that the wicked rich man went to in Luke 16:23-24! The sacrifice of Jesus in Hades was a part of the first message Peter preached on the day of Pentecost after the Holy Spirit came upon them and they spoke in other tongues. (Acts 2:24-31) That was in the first Pentecostal message ever preached! So, Jesus going into hell for us is a Pentecostal, Holy Spirit and fire, message!
Jesus died the deaths and went to the hell of torment, agony, and fire in our place, so that all who will receive His sacrifice and live for Him will be delivered from that awful eternity. I am a believer and follower of Jesus, so when I die, I will miss hell and gain heaven! The same can be said of ALL that will trust in Jesus and in His awesome sacrifice. I hope you are one of His! If not, you can be one of His right now. How?
First acknowledge your sinful condition:
“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
Then repent:
“Repent {change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah} and be baptized, each of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts 2:34 Amplified)
Then believe that God raised Jesus from the dead to justify YOU, and confess with your mouth (out loud), from your heart, that He is your Lord and Savior:
“Because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord {recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God}, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes {in Christ as Savior} resulting in his justification {that is being made righteous- being freed from guilt of sin and made acceptable to God}, resulting in and confirming {his} salvation.” (Romans 10:9, 10 Amp.)
I’ll leave the importance of baptism in water and consistent instruction for living in God to a good local church and pastor. By “good” I mean an anointed, Word-abiding, Spirit- filled, tongue-talking and praying, healing-ministering, faith-filled church. Don’t waste your time going to a dead, weak, spineless, and gutless church that preaches people out of their inheritance in Christ! Find a powerhouse in Christ Jesus! I would NEVER go to a church that does not believe in winning people to the Lord Jesus, that does not pray for the sick for healing, that does not cast out demons, that does not minister to people the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of speaking in other tongues, and that preaches sermonettes instead of the unadulterated Word of the living God!
Be blessed with the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit in this podcast!
If you have not done so, please study the first 24 podcasts to get a clearer understanding of this life-changing teaching. That way you get it in context.
Download the free book that was the basis for most of this study, “The Story of our Great Redemption: Beyond Human Imagination!” That's the link to get the free 194-page book. I've published five different versions on this subject since 1977. The latest 2013 version in Spanish, “Tres Días y Tres Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra” is 290 pages long. Obviously, the Lord taught me a few more things from His Word. That is the most complete version I have published. In its pages are many of the extra things I brought out in these podcasts that were not in previous versions. Get the free "Tres Días..." PDF here. Glory to God!
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Jesus descended into the lower parts of the earth. (Ephesians 4:9) This speaks of the heart of the earth as in Matthew 12:40, and the abyss in several passages in the New Testament. One such passage is found in Revelation 9:1-3, where the abyss or the bottomless pit is referred to as the place of demons, smoke, and evil. Each of these terms are synonymous with Hades (translated hell in KJV), and in fact are speaking about the same place of torment and flames of fire as in Acts 2:27-31 and Luke 16:23-24. Jesus was our substitute in hell! Jesus died the deaths and went to the hell of torment, agony, and fire in our place, so that all who will receive His sacrifice and live for Him will be delivered from that awful eternity. I am a believer and follower of Jesus, so when I die, I will miss hell and gain heaven! The same can be said of ALL that will trust in Jesus and in His awesome sacrifice. I hope you are one of His! If not, you can be one of His right now.
First acknowledge your sinful condition:
“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)
Then repent:
“Repent {change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah} and be baptized, each of you, in the Name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins.” (Acts 2:34 Amplified)
Then believe that God raised Jesus from the dead to justify YOU, and confess with your mouth (out loud), from your heart, that He is your Lord and Savior:
“Because if you acknowledge and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord {recognizing His power, authority, and majesty as God}, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes {in Christ as Savior} resulting in his justification {that is being made righteous- being freed from guilt of sin and made acceptable to God}, resulting in and confirming {his} salvation.” (Romans 10:9, 10 Amp.)
I’ll leave the importance of baptism in water and consistent instruction for living in God to a good local church and pastor. By “good” I mean an anointed, Word-abiding, Spirit-filled, tongue-talking and praying, healing-ministering, faith-filled church. Don’t waste your time going to a dead, weak, spineless, and gutless church that preaches people out of their inheritance in Christ! Find a powerhouse in Christ Jesus! I would NEVER go to a church that does not believe in winning people to the Lord Jesus, that does not pray for the sick for healing, that does not cast out demons, that does not minister to people the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the manifestation of speaking in other tongues, and that preaches religious sermonettes instead of the unadulterated Word of the living God!
If you have not done so, please study the first 23 podcasts to get a clearer understanding of this life-changing teaching. That way you get it in context. Be mightily blessed with the Word and the Spirit of the Lord through this podcast!
Download the free book that was the basis for most of this study, “The Story of our Great Redemption: Beyond Human Imagination!” That's the link to get the free 194-page book. I've published five different versions on this subject since 1977. The latest 2013 version in Spanish, “Tres Días y Tres Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra” is 290 pages long. Obviously, the Lord taught me a few more things from His Word. That is the most complete version I have published. In its pages are many of the extra things I brought out in these podcasts that were not in previous versions. Get the free "Tres Días..." PDF here. Glory to God!
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Amazingly, little to no emphasis has been placed on the sufferings of the soul and spirit of Jesus on the cross and in hell. Some deny this truth. Peter preaches this truth by quoting Psalms 16:10 in the first sermon preached after the Holy Spirit was poured out on the day of Pentecost. (See Acts 2:24-31.) The suffering of the soul of Jesus (the soul's innermost part being the spirit) is taught three times in Isaiah 53:10, 11, and 12; "You (God) make His soul was an offering for sin", "He (God) shall see the labor of His soul", and "He poured out His soul unto death". What? His Soul was an offering for sin? I thought His body and blood were the offering for sin? THEY WERE, but so were the soul and spirit because Jesus' sacrifice was the sacrifice of ALL of Himself in spirit, soul, body, blood and all!!! Yet to hear some preachers, the sin offering was ONLY His blood and body. Wrong! There was more involved. Ignorance has been HUGE in this area of the sacrifice of Jesus. With the anointing of the Holy Spirit and through the Word of God, we bring it back into focus.
"Oh, but Jesus taught us in the Lord's Supper to only emphasize the body and the blood for the forgiveness of sins," someone said attempting a rebuttal. That’s only partially right. The emphasis of Jesus was on His body and the New Covenant in His blood. That included EVERYTHING He suffered for us and EVERYTHING He provided for us, spirit, soul, body, and in EVERY realm of life and the world to come (eternity). Nothing was excluded, in His sacrifice or in His mighty provision.
If you have not done so, please study the first 22 podcasts to get a clearer understanding of this life-changing teaching. That way you get it in context. Be mightily blessed with the Word and the Spirit of the Lord through this podcast!
Download the free book that was the basis for most of this study, “The Story of our Great Redemption: Beyond Human Imagination!” That's the link to get the free 194-page book. I've published five different versions on this subject since 1977. The latest 2013 version in Spanish, “Tres Días y Tres Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra” is 290 pages long. Obviously, the Lord taught me a few more things from His Word. That is the most complete version I have published. In its pages are many of the extra things I brought out in these podcasts that were not in previous versions. Get the free "Tres Días..." PDF here. Glory to God!
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
The Biggest Blunder in all Eternity- The Story of Our Great Redemption #22
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
Saturday Aug 27, 2022
According to many Scriptural references we have given, the evidence is clear. Jesus suffered the deaths, physically and spiritually. After His spirit left His body, He was received into the flames of hell to suffer on our behalf for three days and three nights! The innocent Jesus, the one who NEVER sinned, the spotless ONE, suffered for the guilty. There was one whopping “problema”. Jesus was ushered into hell illegally!! The devil took the bait, and swallowed it along with the boat and the fisherman! The devil misunderstood God’s plan and thought he had finally defeated the Son of God. Oh man, what a “yuge” mistake! No, it was bigger than that. It was a ginormous blunder that he would never live down or get rid of. The devil received the spirit and soul of THE INNOCENT ONE into the bowels of the earth. Satan didn’t understand the mystery hidden in God and he fell into God’s trap. What a story! The Story of our great redemption!
Do you have questions about all this? Listen to the previous 21 messages and those that will follow. Also, get my book on the subject and be mightily blessed! Download the free book that was the basis for most of this study, “The Story of our Great Redemption: Beyond Human Imagination!” That's the link to get the free 194-page book. I've published five different versions on this subject since 1977. The latest 2013 version in Spanish,“Tres Días y Tres Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra” is 290 pages long. Obviously, the Lord taught me a few more things from His Word. That is the most complete version I have published. In its pages are many of the extra things I brought out in these podcasts that were not in previous versions. Get the free "Tres Días..." PDF here. Glory to God!
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
The Cursed Ones Go into Everlasting Fire- The Story of our Great Redemption #21
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Wednesday Aug 24, 2022
Matthew 25:41 states that the cursed ones will go to everlasting fire reserved for the devil and his wicked angels. The implication of this verse for what Jesus suffered for three days and nights in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12:40; Acts 2:27) is truly amazing. Religious devils will screech and writhe in pain as they hear this truth. Jesus was our substitute even in hell!
Hell is a real place reserved for the wicked. It is worse than any manmade horror film. Do you think Halloween is the season for gross horror films on TV? Compared to the awful realities of hell, the evils portrayed in the movies are not even a drop in the bucket. Hell is worse than anything you can imagine, and it is for ETERNITY. I am forever grateful that Jesus went to hades for me so I do not have to go! God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe on Him would not perish in hades and then the lake of fire for eternity. He had something GOOD in mind for the human family when He sent Jesus to the cross and to hell on behalf of guilty humanity. He wanted all who would believe on Jesus to receive His eternal life forevermore! (See John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:9.) He wanted to forgive all their sins and give them His righteousness. He wanted them to have an eternal abode with Him in heaven, and then in the new heavens and earth.
We look at some of these truths in this short podcast. I highly recommend you listen to, at least, the previous 15 messages to get the impact of what we are teaching from the Word of God. It is revolutionary! Be blessed with the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit!
Download the free book that was the basis for most of this study, “The Story of our Great Redemption: Beyond Human Imagination!” That's the link to get the free 194-page book. I've published five different versions on this subject since 1977. The latest 2013 version in Spanish,“Tres Días y Tres Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra” is 290 pages long. Obviously, the Lord taught me a few more things from His Word. That is the most complete version I have published. In its pages are many of the extra things I brought out in these podcasts that were not in previous versions. Get the free "Tres Días..." PDF here. Glory to God!
Monday Aug 22, 2022
The Serpent On The Pole: The Story of our Great Redemption- #20
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Everybody in the Church at large has heard of John 3:16:
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.(John 3:16 NKJV)
Have you heard this next verse before?
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up. (John 3:14 NKJV)
That was John 3:14, a rarely quoted verse in the same teaching of Jesus to Nicodemus. Yes, that is only two verses before John 3:16, yet it is seldom used or quoted.
Mostly, in Holy Spirit-baptized (tongues- talking), healing-believing circles, this verse is used to refer to divine healing. The connection to healing should be obvious, but there is much more.
Notice the emphasis of Jesus on using the serpent on a pole as referring to His death on the cross. Why would He use the serpent as a symbol of His sacrifice, and not refer to Himself as the spotless Lamb of God on the cross? No question that He was the spotless Lamb of God offered up for us as a sacrifice (1 Peter 1:19), but then something evil and sinister happened to Jesus on the cross that merited identification with the serpent. We study this powerful truth as it relates to His sacrifice for us.
Be mightily blessed!
Download the free book that was the basis for most of this study, “The Story of our Great Redemption: Beyond Human Imagination!” That's the link to get the free 194-page book. I've published five different versions on this subject since 1977. The latest 2013 version in Spanish,“Tres Días y Tres Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra” is 290 pages long. Obviously, the Lord taught me a few more things from His Word. That is the most complete version I have published. In its pages are many of the extra things I brought out in these podcasts that were not in previous versions. Get the free "Tres Días..." PDF here. Glory to God!
Looking for Christian, conservative, and with a solidly Scriptural perspective? Then, you will love this site. The website content will challenge you. Be prepared to say goodbye to Christian traditions grounded in unbelief, disobedience to the Word, and long held myths. Buckle your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!
No compromise here! No sissified, woke, cancel culture, or all-inclusive sermonettes here!
The Bible says that the power of the Holy Spirit would be coming on all believers to produce a witness in our city, state, country, and even to the rest of the earth. (Acts 1:8) That power from on High came on the day of Pentecost after Jesus was raised from the dead. (Acts 2) Jesus also commissioned all believers to preach the gospel to every person with signs following. (Mark 16:15-20) We are to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded us. (Mat. 28:19, 20) EVERY believer has a responsibility to carry out these orders from the Head of the Church, Jesus THE Anointed One (Christ). I am doing a part to get the Word out to all the world. Of course, there are many other ways to get the Word out such as one on one witnessing, and through meetings, large and small. How can you get involved in getting the Gospel message out? Here is one way. Forward these teachings and recordings to your friends, family, and acquaintances. Be a blessing to someone else. Get them under the rich anointing of the Holy Spirit and the Word.