Friday Jul 22, 2022
The Hidden Plan of God in Christ: The Story of our Great Redemption #9
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
We speak God’s ·secret wisdom [or wisdom in a mystery; 2:1], which he has kept hidden. Before the world began [ages], God planned [decreed; destined] this wisdom for our glory. None of the rulers of this ·world [age] understood it. If they had, they would not have crucified the ·Lord of glory [glorious Lord]. (1Corinthians 2:7, 8 EXB)
God’s plan in Jesus to redeem all that would receive it was a plan kept hidden from His enemies. He especially kept it hidden from the devil and all of hell. It was only available by bits and pieces through the prophets, but the full picture was not revealed until Jesus was raised from the dead. Why? It was kept hidden so the devil and his cronies could not interfere or mess it up in any way. It was only on a “need to know” basis, and the devil and his followers did not need to know! If they had known what God had in mind, they would have never murdered Jesus. The death and resurrection of Jesus spelled D-O-O-M for the devil and hell, and if he would have known about it, he would have backed off. However, the devil was kept in the dark, and redemption happened, the devil was defeated, and God made that redemption available to all that would receive it. Wow!
Be blessed with this anointed podcast!
Download the free book that was the basis for most of this study, “The Story of our Great Redemption: Beyond Human Imagination!” That's the link to get the free 194-page book. I've published five different versions on this subject since 1977. The latest 2013 version in Spanish, “Tres Días y Tres Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra” is 290 pages long. That is the most complete version I have published. In its pages are many of the extra things I brought out in these podcasts that were not in previous versions. Get the free "Tres Días..." PDF here. Glory to God!
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Jesus BECAME the curse for us: The Story of our Great Redemption #8
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Thursday Jul 21, 2022
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”). (Galatians 3:13 NKJV)
It you have not listened to our series, Redemption from the Curse, I suggest that you do. In 10 podcasts, we delved into the subject in some detail. In this podcast, we concentrate on the fact that Jesus BECAME the curse in our place when He went to the cross. He did that in order to redeem us. The curse that came into the earth, that foul and destructive curse that has caused ALL human misery throughout the ages, was what Jesus took in our place when He died on the cross. That is one of the central truths of redemption, but one that has been watered down or misconstrued in much of Christianity.
Note the verse in Galatians 3:13 and the part that is translated “having become a curse for us. ”Like the NKJV above, the RSV, NIV, NASB, NKJV, and others translate the line: “having become a curse for us.” The Amplified, NET, ISV, and others translate: “by becoming a curse for us. ”The CEV has: “He became a curse in our place,” and the NCV: “He changed places with us and put himself under that curse.”
Becoming a curse is not the same as “carrying” the curse as a load. Carrying and BECOMING are two very different things! Something happened on the cross that religion has overlooked for centuries. It was a complete and absolute substitution in our place, but it was also a full identification with the curse. He became what we were so that we could become what He is now! (1 John 4:17; 3:2) He BECAME the curse as He made Himself subject to it in order to redeem us from it. That is the central truth about this line in Galatians 3:13. Jesus’ voluntary submission to the curse by becoming or being MADE the curse (as translated in the KJV), paved the way for our freedom.
Be mightily blessed through this anointed Word!
Download the free book that was the basis for most of this study, “The Story of our Great Redemption: Beyond Human Imagination!” That's the link to get the free 194-page book. I've published five different versions on this subject since 1977. The latest 2013 version in Spanish, “Tres Días y Tres Noches en el Corazón de la Tierra” is 290 pages long. That is the most complete version I have published. In its pages are many of the extra things I brought out in these podcasts that were not in previous versions. Get the free "Tres Días..." PDF here. Glory to God!
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Jesus Suffered the Punishment we Deserved: The Story of our Great Redemption #7
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Saturday Jul 16, 2022
Jesus came and suffered in our place the punishment that was only our own. Punishment, wrath, destruction, and hell were our legacy due to Adam and Eve’s transgression, and also because we all sinned. We were due wrath and punishment, but Jesus suffered to set us free from the consequences of sin and death. We look at these truths in this podcast. We are building to a crescendo concerning redemption, and when we reach it, it will revolutionize your life if you will receive it and act on it.
I warn you that religious ideas that are limiting and watering down what Jesus did for us will die in the process. The golden calf of religiosity with a form of godliness that denies the power of redemption will be ground to powder. So, get ready to be shocked right out of religion and into Jesus our Redeemer.
Be mightily blessed through the exposition of the anointed Word!
Download the book that was the basis for this series: The Story of our Great Redemption- Beyond Human Imagination. It's free! The book title is the link to download the book. FYI: I cover details in this series that are not in my book.
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Only a spotless, sinless human being could pay the price for guilty humanity. It would have to be one that was like Adam before sin entered into the world. How was that going to be possible because humanity was under the penalty of sin and death? How was that going to happen if Satan was the "god" of this world? How was the ETERNAL God in Heaven going to get one that never sinned into a planet legally controlled by His enemy? Listen to this podcast and be mightily blessed!
Use this link to get the free published book (in PDF) "The Story of our Great Redemption."
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Slavery to Sin and Death: The Story of Our Great Redemption #5
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Slavery... such an ugly word, but it perfectly describes the reality of man's condition after Adam and Eve's sin of disobedience. Thank God that Jesus came to deliver us from sin and death! Listen to this podcast and get the truth into your spirit.
Use this link to get the free published book (in PDF) "The Story of our Great Redemption."
Be blessed!
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
If being disconnected and removed from the presence of God in Eden was not bad enough, the fall of man did something even more sinister. It spiritually connected the first man and woman to Satan! The death and destruction in Satan became the nature of the human family. We see it cropping up its ugly head repeatedly throughout human history. It got so bad in Noah's day that it led to the world's population being destroyed in the flood.
Get the scoop in this podcast. Remember that these podcasts are progressively increasing our understanding in order to begin to comprehend the "WHY" of Jesus' birth, death, resurrection, and ascension.
Use this link to get the free published book (in PDF) "The Story of our Great Redemption." This book has the information I do not cover in these podcasts. The podcasts have other info that is not in the book. They complement each other, so get them both. Be blessed!
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
What did the fall of the first man and woman have to do with the rest of humanity? Why spend time belaboring this issue? Lack of understanding in this area of Scripture is the reason many have only a very partial understanding of the necessity of the Lord coming into the earth and taking on a human body. In addition, many have little understanding of what Jesus actually paid for with His death and through His resurrection because they don’t get what actually happened in the fall of mankind. These are the reasons this must be overstressed.
I once heard an evangelist state this great truth: “If you understand what happened in the first three chapters of Genesis, why Jesus had to come and what He paid for, and what is going to happen at the end of the book of Revelation, then these truths will begin to straighten out your theology.” Speak to different people about these things and note their answers. Follow the track of those same people that do not understand these truths, and notice how messed up their theology is! When your foundation is messed up, your building will be crooked. That, my dear brethren, is why I spend time teaching these things. Let’s get the foundation straight so the building can be on solid ground. No Leaning Tower of Pisa here, please!
Be blessed with this podcast! Spread the Word around to all those people on your list of family, friends, and acquaintances. Be a sender of the gospel message to others. That is part of every Christian’s commission. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) Spreading the Word is one way to fulfill the great commission. Amen!
Use this link to get the free published book (in PDF) "The Story of our Great Redemption."
Monday Jul 04, 2022
The Fall of Man: The Story of our Great Redemption #2
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Monday Jul 04, 2022
Warning: This is not your run-of-the-mill Bible study! What happened when Adam and Eve sinned? Why do we need to know? This truth, revealed in Genesis, is one of the great central truths of the Bible. The fall of man affected the whole human race born from the first man and woman on the planet. This is where we begin to understand WHY Jesus had to come. It is the first glimpse into the necessity of redemption.
Use this link to get the free published book (in PDF) "The Story of our Great Redemption."
Please forward these podcasts and free book to family, friends, and acquaintances. Be a sender of the Word! It would be great to have a huge mailing list to send out this information, but many of you have larger mailing list than me and you can help get the Word out. Thank you!
Be mightily blessed through the Word!
Looking for Christian, conservative, and with a solidly Scriptural perspective? Then, you will love this site. The website content will challenge you. Be prepared to say goodbye to Christian traditions grounded in unbelief, disobedience to the Word, and long held myths. Buckle your seatbelts and enjoy the ride!
No compromise here! No sissified, woke, cancel culture, or all-inclusive sermonettes here!
The Bible says that the power of the Holy Spirit would be coming on all believers to produce a witness in our city, state, country, and even to the rest of the earth. (Acts 1:8) That power from on High came on the day of Pentecost after Jesus was raised from the dead. (Acts 2) Jesus also commissioned all believers to preach the gospel to every person with signs following. (Mark 16:15-20) We are to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded us. (Mat. 28:19, 20) EVERY believer has a responsibility to carry out these orders from the Head of the Church, Jesus THE Anointed One (Christ). I am doing a part to get the Word out to all the world. Of course, there are many other ways to get the Word out such as one on one witnessing, and through meetings, large and small. How can you get involved in getting the Gospel message out? Here is one way. Forward these teachings and recordings to your friends, family, and acquaintances. Be a blessing to someone else. Get them under the rich anointing of the Holy Spirit and the Word.